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If you would like a Bachelor's Hood please select and put in your cart. In the comments put which Degree you are graduating with.

Regalia (Cap, Gown & Tassel)

Regalia (Cap, Gown & Tassel)

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Regalia comes as a package with a Cap, Gown & Blue/Gold Tassel

If you are taller than 6'6", please select 6'5" - 6'6" and put your actual height in the comment section at check out

If you are a 3X or larger shirt size, please but "XTRA LG" in the comment section at check out so we can ensure proper sizing

Tassel Gold(Honors)

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If you think you rate an Honors Tassel please select and put in your cart.  We will confirm if you are entitled or not. If you do not rate, you will not be charged.